Rapid Response Virtual Platform

The Ultimate Tool for Ordering Providers

Welcome to the Rapid Response Virtual Platform – the revolutionary solution that transforms the intake process for ordering providers and offers Clia laboratories a significant competitive edge. Discover how our suite of tools can streamline the ordering process, enhance medical necessity qualification, and boost lab orders across the board.


The Rapid Response Virtual Platform is designed to empower ordering providers with advanced intake tools, ensuring the qualification of medical necessity. This, in turn, maximizes the potential for laboratory data and significantly increases lab orders.

Key Features:

Specialized intake process for qualifying Lab medical Necessity for an unlimited number of providers.

Seamless integration with RALS middleware or API work for LIS connectivity.

Individual portals for providers to access patient data and explore opportunities to upgrade to DecisionDOC.

Sales teams can access demos for introducing tools to current and new providers.

Revolutionize the Intake Process:

Our intake technology redefines how providers order labs. The system checks for medical necessity after a patient completes the intake form, presenting providers with a comprehensive list of potential labs for that specific patient.


Cross-reference system for medical necessity based on patient symptoms.

Access to easy study materials for new laboratories.

Seamless integration with current EHR systems.